Here’s New Yuma Abe’s Headshot📷⚡️

"Go Back" from Yuma Abe's new EP [Surprisingly Alright] will be released at midnight (JST) on tomorrow[Wed 26th, April]🎧 Stay tuned and please enjoy!

Here’s New Yuma Abe’s Headshot📷⚡️ and…..💙
“Go Back” from Yuma Abe’s new EP [Surprisingly Alright] will be released at midnight (JST) on tomorrow[Wed 26th, April]🎧
Stay tuned and please enjoy!

Yuma Abeの新しいアーティスト写真が公開されました!
安部勇磨のNEW EP「Surprisingly Alright」から”Go Back”が26日0時(日本時間)に先行リリースされます🎧おたのしみに!


🎼Go Back
The music I was listening to a lot when making this album was Dorothy Ashby, David.T.Walkar, Buddy Fo & His Group and Japanese traditional folk and song music. I was inspired by the seductive sounds that beckoned to me in a weird but cheerful way.
The demo of this song had been around for a long time. It had somehow not moved forward, but then I met the music mentioned above, and they all sort of mixed up and came together.
The word ‘agijabiyo’ at the beginning of the song is a word that I discovered at the harbor when I went to Iriomote Island(Okinawa’s second largest island) with my friends who recorded this song with me. It is a word that comes out when people are surprised. The sound is very interesting.

このアルバムを作る際によく聴いていたのはDorothy Ashby / David.T.Walkar/ Buddy Fo & His Group/ 日本の民謡や歌謡曲で、怪しくありながらも陽気に手招きするような色気のある音に刺激を受けていました。
「Go Back」のデモ自体はだいぶ前からありました。なんだか進まずにいたのですが先に挙げた音楽と出会い、その辺りがごちゃ混ぜになって完成しました。
冒頭の「あぎじゃびよー」という言葉はこの曲を録音した友人たちと西表島に行った時、港で見つけた言葉で驚いた時に出る言葉だそう。 *音が面白い。